Framework Element

In California, each city maintains a general plan—a land use document that prescribes policy goals and objectives that shape and guide the physical development of that city. Similar to a book, the City’s General Plan is composed of chapters, commonly referred to as elements, each covering aspects of the urban environment. The General Plan Framework Element is a strategy for long-term growth that sets a citywide context to guide the subsequent amendments of the City's Community Plans, zoning ordinances, and other pertinent programs. A comprehensive, long-range document containing purposes, policies, and programs for the development of the City of Los Angeles, the Framework Element responds to State and Federal mandates to plan for the City's future.

The General Plan Framework Element is a strategy for long-term growth that sets a citywide context to guide the subsequent amendments of the City's Community Plans, zoning ordinances, and other pertinent programs. A comprehensive, long-range document containing purposes, policies, and programs for the development of the City of Los Angeles, the Framework Element responds to State and Federal mandates to plan for the City's future.

The Framework Element is available as a PDF as well as a simple website. The layout of the online Framework differs from that of the printed Framework document, but adds useful hyperlinks between related sections.