Hollywood Community Plan Update

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supports accessible transit

Directs growth around transit, away from hillsides and low-density neighborhoods

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bolsters jobs

Reinforces Hollywood's role as a media, arts, and entertainment jobs center

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enhances mobility

Provides mobility choices, less dependence on automobiles

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lowers building heights

Establishes new lower height limits around historic districts, and integrates development into existing scale

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creates open space

Supports the Hollywood Central Park over the 101 Freeway, and expands park acreage

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protects Hillsides

Protects hillsides from overdevelopment — strengthens development regulations for hillside subdivisions

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Promotes Livable, complete streets

Promotes streetscape plans and new street standards, wider sidewalks, pedestrian enhancements

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protects cultural resources

Expands preservation tools, including linking incentives to preservation goals

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Addresses scale and design

Promotes the regulation of scale and design

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Guides urban design

Establishes urban design guidelines for new development in Hollywood, reinforcing pedestrian friendly character of commercial districts

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promotes streetscape design

Promotes design overlays and identifies areas for streetscape design

Adoption of the Hollywood Community Plan Update
On May 3, 2023, the Los Angeles City Council adopted the Hollywood Community Plan Update. The City Council also recommended an amendment requested in the motion from Council District 13 (Soto-Martinez) and a follow up report requested in the motion from Council District 4 (Raman). Additional information about the requested amendments is summarized here.

Next Steps
Following adoption of the Plan, the implementing ordinances will be reviewed and finalized by the City Attorney, to ensure clarity of regulations and consistency with state law, which can take approximately six months to a year. After this process is complete, the Plan will be brought into effect by the City Council. City Planning will prepare a report as requested by Council District 4, and will present the report to the PLUM Committee in the next few weeks.

The Hollywood Community Plan Update has been a multi-year effort and we would like to thank you for your continued engagement and interest throughout this process to reach this milestone.


The Hollywood Community Plan Update sets the stage for the future of Hollywood.  The Plan Update directs anticipated development to already urbanized portions of the Community Plan Area, identifying suitable locations for new development while preserving existing low-scale neighborhoods.  

The Hollywood Community Plan Update includes these main components:

The Hollywood Community Plan Update takes cues from the City's General Plan, particularly the General Plan’s Framework Element, which outlines a long-term strategy for Los Angeles. It lays out goals, objectives, and policies for the range of land uses throughout the City, including Hollywood, and it guides the development of the City’s Community Plans. 

Framework policies encourage compact, mixed-use development in proximity to transit infrastructure and activity centers, allowing the City to conserve resources, protect existing residential neighborhoods, and improve air quality by enhancing safe, accessible transportation options.

The proposed HCPU2 embodies these General Plan Framework principles and largely follows the current pattern of land use development, reflecting the City’s policies of directing development where it can be supported by existing transportation infrastructure. The proposed HCPU2 promotes a balance of housing and jobs near transit where providing different types of land uses (such as commercial and residential) can reduce the length and number of vehicle trips. 

In 1988, the year the Hollywood Community Plan in effect today was adopted, subway stations had been proposed but not yet built. Since then, five Metro Red Line stations have become operational in Hollywood, and a transit-oriented specific plan was adopted in 2001. The HCPU2 will accommodate increased affordable housing demand and development near the Metro stations and selected commercial corridors with existing transit (bus and train). Directing the development to targeted areas will preserve the character of single-family and low-density neighborhoods.

A wide range of planning topics — including land use and housing, parks and open space, urban design, mobility, and historic preservation — are addressed in the proposed HCPU2, encompassing the full spectrum of issues related to the physical development of the community. Some of the new regulations and issues that have emerged since 1988 include increasing sustainability, improving mobility (Complete Streets Act), and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The Plan’s importance lies in its ability to shape positive community change, fostering sustainable land use patterns while balancing the unique character of the community with citywide policies and regional initiatives. 

The Hollywood Community Plan Update is part of Los Angeles City Planning's comprehensive update of the City's 35 Community Plans.


From 2005 to 2012, the Hollywood Community Plan Update underwent a comprehensive planning process with extensive community outreach. Both the Draft and Final Environmental Impact Report were published in 2011, before adoption of the plan in 2012.

A legal challenge to the 2012 Plan’s Environmental Impact Report (EIR) followed the adoption of the plan. As a result of a Los Angeles Superior Court decision on the 2012 Plan’s EIR in 2014, the City Council rescinded the 2012 Hollywood Community Plan Update. The City has reverted, by operation of law, to the 1988 Hollywood Community Plan and the zoning regulations that existed immediately prior to June 19, 2012 (the date of the adoption of the HCPU and ordinance).

The 1988 Hollywood Community Plan currently in effect is available here. The 2012 Plan is no longer in effect. More background, along with information on entitlement procedures under the 1988 Plan and zoning, appears in the Zoning Information (ZI) file.

Timeline (click image to enlarge)



What is a Community Plan?


Summer 2021 Updates

Updated planning exhibits that reflect the City Planning Commission’s March 18, 2021 recommendations of the Hollywood Community Plan (CF 21-0934) were released in mid-August. This fact sheet provides an overview of the exhibits listed below:

We are also pleased to share the following memos that HR&A Advisors prepared for the department:

Sign up to be notified when the Plan Update is going to the PLUM Committee and then the full City Council for adoption.

City Planning Commission

The City Planning Commission (CPC) heard the Hollywood Community Plan Update on February 18, 2021 and continued the item to March 18, 2021. On March 18, the CPC recommended approval of the Hollywood Community Plan with a few recommended changes, including more robust incentives for affordable housing within the central Hollywood area (the Regional Center), and the allowance of a two-story incentive for additional height along height-restricted commercial corridors, for projects that provide affordable housing units.

Click here to listen to the March CPC audio recording. Supplemental documents are available; other items including the staff presentation and Day of Submissions comments are here.

A public hearing was held at the February CPC meeting; the audio is available. Supplemental documents are also posted; other items including the staff presentation are available.

The project website, including the draft planning documents and interactive maps, will be updated soon in accordance with the CPC motion.

The CPC Staff Recommendation Reports and Exhibits are below:

  • CPC Staff Recommendation Report
  • Exhibit A: Draft Resolution
  • Exhibit B: Draft Community Plan
  • Exhibit C: Proposed and Existing General Plan Land Use and Framework Maps, and Proposed Change to Chapter 1 of the Framework Element
  • Exhibit D: Proposed Community Plan Implementation Overlay (CPIO) District Map and Ordinance
  • Exhibit E: Proposed General Plan Land Use and Zone Change Maps and Matrices; Street and Network Reclassifications; Circulation Map; Symbols; Footnotes; and Corresponding Zone-Land Use Nomenclature Changes
  • Exhibit F: Proposed Vermont/Western Transit Oriented District Station Neighborhood Area Plan (SNAP) Amendment
  • Exhibit G: Proposed Hillside Construction Regulation (HCR) District
  • Exhibit H: Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) and Appendices; Partially Recirculated Draft Environmental Impact Report and Appendices
  • Exhibit I: Draft Ordinance to Amend the Hollywood Redevelopment Plan

Plan Goals

The Proposed Hollywood Community Plan Update seeks to:

  • Accommodate projected population, housing, and employment
  • Direct growth away from low-density neighborhoods; preserve single-family residential neighborhoods
  • Provide a range of employment opportunities; promote the vitality and expansion of Hollywood’s entertainment and tourism industries
  • Improve open space, parks, and public spaces; provide adequate public services and infrastructure
  • Protect historic and cultural resources
  • Encourage and promote a variety of mobility options; make streets walkable
  • Improve the function and design of neighborhoods; focus on pedestrian experience
  • Encourage sustainable land use
  • ​Maintain land use and zoning consistency

The interactive maps below represent proposed land use and zoning changes. Select the tabs for information about proposed changes.

Click the button below for a video tutorial on the interactive map.


Draft Community Plan Update Interactive Map

Hollywood Map Existing


Draft CPIO Interactive Map

Hollywood Map New


  • Mobility Plan 2035
    Mobility Plan 2035
  • Mobility Plan 2035
    General Plan Land Use

Summarized Topics

  • Info Sheet Icon

    What does a Community Plan Do? (English/Spanish)
  • Info Sheet Icon

    What does a Community Plan Do? (English/Thai)
  • Info Sheet Icon

    What Does the Hollywood Community Plan Do?
  • Info Sheet Icon

    What does the Hollywood Community Plan Do for Housing? (English/Spanish)
  • Info Sheet Icon

    What does the Hollywood Community Plan Do for Hillsides? (English/Spanish)
  • Info Sheet Icon

    What does the Hollywood Community Plan Do for Historic Preservation? (English/Spanish)
  • Info Sheet Icon

    What does the Hollywood Community Plan Do for Climate Change and Sustainability? (English/Spanish)
  • Info Sheet Icon

    What does the Hollywood Community Plan Do for the Media District areas? (English/Spanish)
  • Info Sheet Icon

    Renters Protection (English/Spanish)

Videos & Webinars

  • Webinar Icon

    October 2020
  • Webinar Icon

    November 2020
  • Webinar Icon

    November 2020
    Webinar (Spanish)
  • Webinar Icon

    Hollywood CPIO Overview Video (2020)
  • Webinar Icon

    Overview Video on the Plan Update
  • Webinar Icon

    Overview Video on Demographics (2018)
  • Webinar Icon

    Hollywood by the Numbers (2018)
  • Webinar Icon

    Webinar (2018)
  • Icon
    Notice of Preparation (NOP)
  • Icon
    Notice of Availability (NOA)
  • Icon
    Draft EIR
  • Icon
    Partially Recirculated Draft EIR
  • Icon
    Final EIR

California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)

A state law requiring state and local agencies to analyze the potential impacts of their actions on the environment, disclose their findings to the public, and to mitigate impacts where feasible.

Community Plan

The Land Use Element of the General Plan consists of 35 Community Plans. Each focuses on a particular area or community in the City (e.g., Hollywood Community Plan).


The number of residential units permitted per acre of land.

Environmental Impact Report (EIR)

Type of environmental review prepared when the City determines that a project may potentially have significant environmental impacts.

Floor Area Ratio (FAR)

The ratio of the gross floor area of a building to the area of the lot where it is located. (This video explains FAR.)

General Plan

The General Plan is the City's guide for its future growth and development. The State of California requires every city to adopt a General Plan. General Plans have a typical lifespan of 20 to 30 years and must be updated periodically. 

Each General Plan must cover certain topics in sections called Elements (such as the Land Use Element, the Housing Element, and the Safety Element).

General Plan Framework

The Framework Element of the General Plan lays out goals and policies for topics related to growth and services. All General Plan Elements adopted by the City need to be consistent with the Framework.

Height District

Establishes a zone’s height and Floor Area Ratio limitations.

Implementation Tools

Zones or regulations included in the Community Plan that supplement basic zoning regulations and help realize the Plan’s goals for new development.

Infill Development

Development of vacant or underutilized land within urbanized areas.


The public and quasi-public facilities required in order to serve the development and operational needs of a community, such as roads, public transportation, water, and sewer systems.

Land Use Designation

Examples of land use designations include residential, industrial, commercial, and open space. Each land use designation has a list of corresponding zones.

Mixed-Use Development

A project that combines compatible uses within the same structure, such as a building with residential uses above ground-floor commercial space.


A law or statute enacted by a city government. Zoning is established by ordinance.

Planning Commission

A committee of five or more citizens who are appointed by the City to review matters related to planning and development.

Transit Oriented Development (TOD)

Development located near transit. The City’s General Plan encourages locating new housing and businesses near transit to provide convenient alternatives to car travel (e.g., walking, bicycling, taking public transportation).


Zoning determines the uses permitted on a parcel and provides regulations for development, including height, bulk, and setbacks.


May 2023 Update

Adoption of the Hollywood Community Plan Update
On May 3, 2023, the Los Angeles City Council adopted the Hollywood Community Plan Update. The City Council also recommended an amendment requested in the motion from Council District 13 (Soto-Martinez) and a follow up report requested in the motion from Council District 4 (Raman). Additional information about the requested amendments is summarized here.

Next Steps
Following adoption of the Plan, the implementing ordinances will be reviewed and finalized by the City Attorney, to ensure clarity of regulations and consistency with state law, which can take approximately six months to a year. After this process is complete, the Plan will be brought into effect by the City Council. City Planning will prepare a report as requested by Council District 4, and will present the report to the PLUM Committee in the next few weeks.

The Hollywood Community Plan Update has been a multi-year effort and we would like to thank you for your continued engagement and interest throughout this process to reach this milestone.

Spring 2023 Update

At its special meeting on April 24, 2023, the City Council’s Planning and Land Use Management (PLUM) Committee recommended approval of the Hollywood Community Plan Update, with a few amendments. The Plan Update will now go before the full City Council for final adoption at the City Council meeting on Wednesday, May 3, 2023 at 10 a.m.

At the April 24th meeting, the PLUM Committee recommended adoption of the CPC approved Hollywood Community Plan inclusive of findings, resolutions, and ordinances, with amendments. The amendments from the PLUM Committee included optional modifications from the Director of Planning’s Supplemental Memo to the PLUM Committee, which were requested in the letters from Council District 4, (dated April 4, 2023) Council District 5 (dated April 4, 2023), and Council District 13 (dated April 21, 2023), as well as additional amendments requested by Council District 13 during the PLUM meeting regarding regulations for hotels and an adjustment to the base Floor Area Ratio (FAR) in some of the Regional Center Subareas in the Hollywood Community Plan Implementation Overlay (CPIO) District.

The agenda for the City Council meetings can be accessed online at clerk.lacity.gov/calendar.

Winter 2022 Update

The Hollywood Community Plan Update is in the adoption phase. Thank you to all who shared your thoughts with the City Planning Commission, which recommended approval of the Plan in 2021. Planning documents were transmitted to the City Clerk (CF 21-0934) in August, including the Letter of Determination, the Community Plan and the Final Environmental Impact Report.

The upcoming steps to complete adoption of the Hollywood Community Plan are receiving the recommendations for approval from the City Council’s Planning and Land Use Management (PLUM) Committee, and then the final approval from the full City Council. To receive future notice once the Plan is scheduled for PLUM and City Council consideration, sign up here.

Summer 2021 Update

The Letter of Determination (LOD) from the City Planning Commission has been released for the Hollywood Community Plan Update (CF 21-0934).

The Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) is now available. For more information, please see the Notice of Availability. Printed copies of the FEIR are also available for general public viewing at the following City library branches:

  1. Richard J. Riordan Central Library (630 W. 5th St., Los Angeles, 90071)
  2. Frances Howard Goldwyn – Hollywood Regional Branch Library (1623 Ivar Ave., Los Angeles, 90028
  3. Los Feliz Branch Library (1874 Hillhurst Ave., Los Angeles, 90027)
  4. Cahuenga Branch Library (4591 Santa Monica Blvd., Los Angeles, 90029)
  5. John C. Fremont Branch Library (6121 Melrose Ave., Los Angeles, 90038)
  6. Will & Ariel Durant Branch Library (7140 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, 90046)

Sign up to receive notice when the Plan Update is going to the PLUM Committee and then the full City Council for adoption.

Spring 2021 Update

On March 18, the City Planning Commission (CPC) recommended approval of the Hollywood Community Plan Update with a few recommended changes, including more robust incentives for affordable housing within the central Hollywood area (the Regional Center), and the allowance of a two-story incentive for additional height along height-restricted commercial corridors, for projects that provide affordable housing units.

Click here to listen to the March CPC audio recording. Supplemental documents are available; other items including the staff presentation and Day of Submissions comments are here.

A public hearing was held at the February CPC meeting; the audio is available. Supplemental documents are also posted; other items including the staff presentation are available.

Next, the Plan Update will advance to the Planning and Land Use Management Committee (PLUM), and then to the full City Council for adoption. Dates for these future meetings have not been established. Sign up online to receive future email updates about the Hollywood Community Plan Update.

Winter 2020/2021 Update

The City Planning Commission (CPC) heard the Hollywood Community Plan Update on February 18, 2021 and continued the item to its March 18, 2021 meeting. The March 18, 2021 CPC meeting will begin at 8:30 a.m. Anyone wishing to participate may provide oral comments during the meeting, or send written comments to the Planning Commission ahead of time. For detailed instructions on submissions to CPC, please visit: https://planning.lacity.gov/about/virtual-commission-instructions.

A public hearing was held on February 18. The staff presentation to the Commission included recommendations to update a few additional proposed zone changes and open space designations, and to clarify the land use regulation relationship between the Hollywood Redevelopment Plan and the Hollywood Community Plan Update.

On December 9, 2020, the Hollywood Community Plan Update held a virtual Open House and Public Hearing. The public hearing served as a means to collect comments from stakeholders; comments will be incorporated into the staff report before the Plan is brought to the City Planning Commission (CPC). No decisions were made during the public hearing. To listen to the audio recording of the Public Hearing, click here. The comments submitted during the Public Hearing comment period, which ended on December 16, 2020, are also available.

If you would like to receive a copy of the CPC Staff Recommendation Report, please send an email to hollywoodplan@lacity.org and provide your contact information, indicating that you would like to be added to the interested parties email list.

Hollywood Virtual Open House and Public Hearing

On December 9, 2020, the Hollywood Community Plan Update held a virtual Open House and Public Hearing. The Open House highlighted the Plan Update’s draft policy and zoning recommendations for topics such as housing, affordable housing, employment, historic preservation, and climate change. The Open House presentation is also available in Spanish. Comments expressed by stakeholders during the Public Hearing can be heard here.

Click here to view the shared materials during the virtual Open House.

2020 Webinars

October 2020 Webinar
November 2020 Webinar
November 2020 Webinar (Español)

Hollywood Virtual Office Hours

In September and October of 2020, the team hosted 18 office hours to highlight the goals of the updated Draft Community Plan Implementation Overlay (CPIO) District, and discussed proposed incentives for affordable housing and proposed regulations for historic preservation and pedestrian-oriented design.


On August 18, 2019, planners spoke with residents and visitors about the Hollywood Community Plan Update.

Hollywood Farmers' Market

On January 27, 2019, City Planning Staff provided information about the Hollywood Community Plan Update.

East Hollywood Farmers' Market

On January 10, 2019, City Planning Staff provided information about the Hollywood Community Plan Update.

CD13 Community Conference

On November 17, 2018, City Planning Staff provided information about the Hollywood Community Plan Update.

A new Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) was released on November 15, 2018 for the Hollywood Community Plan Update.


A new Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) was released on November 15, 2018 for the Hollywood Community Plan Update. The Notice of Availability (NOA) provides information about the public comment process. The 75-day public comment period ended on January 31, 2019.

Webinars for the Hollywood Community Plan Update (HCPU2)

In June 2018, the Los Angeles Department of City Planning held two online webinars to provide an overview of the Hollywood Community Plan Update and to share information about ongoing opportunities to participate in the Plan Update process. A recording of the overview presentation from the June 14th webinar can be viewed below.

Materials presented at the meeting are available for review:
Webinar Power Point Slides

Planning 101

On June 25, 2018 City Planning staff provided a Planning 101 Training to the Thai Council. The training was intended to provide an overview of the basic elements of planning, land use and zoning. Links to the presentation slides and summary are provided below.  

Materials presented at the meeting are available for review:

Planning 101 Presentation
Presentation Summary 

Summer 2017 Informational Meetings
In summer 2017, the Los Angeles Department of City Planning held a series of five informational public meetings highlighting the Hollywood Community Plan Update. 
Woman's Club of Hollywood | 1749 N. La Brea Ave
June 29, 2017
Los Feliz Branch Library | 1874 Hillhurst Ave
July 8, 2017
Lemon Grove Recreation Center | 4959 Lemon Grove Ave
July 12, 2017
Durant Branch Library | 7140 Sunset Blvd
July 15, 2017
Cahuenga Branch Library | 4591 Santa Monica Blvd
July 19, 2017


Materials presented at the meetings are available for review:
Display Boards

Mailing Address

City of Los Angeles Department of City Planning
200 N. Spring Street, Room 667, Mail Stop 395
Los Angeles, CA 90012

Planning Staff Contact Info

For general inquiries and comments, please email hollywoodplan@lacity.org

Oliver Netburn Quetzalli Enrique
(213) 978-1382 (213) 978-1175
oliver.netburn@lacity.org quetzalli.enrique@lacity.org



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