Figure 7-1

Citywide Economic Strategies

Policies in the Framework Element address economic issues citywide. This map identifies areas characterized by unique opportunities or constraints that make them candidates for the consideration of economic strategies and implementation priorities.

  1. Areas that represent adopted policies and strategies include State Enterprise Zones, Redevelopment Areas, and Los Angeles Neighborhood Initiative (LANI) Areas.
  2. Areas that are candidates for designation as various types of economic policy districts include Los Angeles Community Redevelopment Agency Recovery Study Areas.
  3. Maps in the Framework Element identify market-linked areas that are a focus of economic policy. These areas are defined and elaborated upon in this chapter.
  4. Downtown Los Angeles, the Port of Los Angeles, Los Angeles International Airport, and other local airports are areas with broad regional and international market links. Improvement of these facilities and implementation of economic development programs in these areas will have a regional impact on employment and economic growth.


Prepared by the General Plan Framework Section, City of Los Angeles Planning Department, Citywide Graphics, April 1996