Chapter 3 - Land Use


It is the intent of the General Plan Framework Element to preserve industrial lands for the retention and expansion of existing and attraction of new industrial uses that provide job opportunities for the City's residents. As indicated in the Economic Development Chapter of the Framework Element, some existing industrially zoned lands may be inappropriate for new industries and should be converted for other land uses. Where such lands are to be converted, their appropriate use shall be the subject of future planning studies. Policies provide for the consideration of a broader array of uses within the industrial zones than has traditionally been acceptable to facilitate the clustering of uses, which may include retail, that support the basic industries or the location of industries in the same area where the waste products of one can be recycled as a resource for another ("industrial ecology") or a campus-like cluster of related uses.

Industrial growth that provides job opportunities for the City's residents and maintains the City's fiscal viability.

Industrial land use east and south of Downtown Los Angeles Port of Los Angeles

Objective 3.14

Provide land and supporting services for the retention of existing and attraction of new industries.

Uses and Density

Accommodate the development of industrial uses in areas designated as "Industrial-Light," "Industrial-Heavy," and "Industrial-Transit" in accordance with Tables 3-1 and 3-9. The range and intensities of uses permitted in any area shall be determined by the community plans. (P1, P18)

Table 3-9

Land Use Designation

Corresponding Zones


CM, MR 1, MR 2, M1, M2


M 3


CM, M1, M2, C2

3.14.2 Provide flexible zoning to facilitate the clustering of industries and supporting uses, thereby establishing viable "themed" sectors (e.g., movie/television/media production, set design, reproductions, etc.). (P19)
3.14.3 Promote the re-use of industrial corridors for small scale incubator industries. (P1, P2, P26, P31, P36)
3.14.4 Limit the introduction of new commercial and other non-industrial uses in existing commercial manufacturing zones to uses which support the primary industrial function of the location in which they are located. (P1, P38)
3.14.5 Promote the development of a mix of commercial and light industrial uses in areas designated as Industrial-Transit. (P1, P38)

Consider the potential re-designation of marginal industrial lands for alternative uses by amending the community plans based on the following criteria:

a. Where it can be demonstrated that the existing parcelization precludes effective use for industrial or supporting functions and where there is no available method to assemble parcels into a unified site that will support viable industrial development;

b. Where the size and/or the configuration of assembled parcels are insufficient to accommodate viable industrial development;

c. Where the size, use, and/or configuration of the industrial parcels adversely impact adjacent residential neighborhoods;

d. Where available infrastructure is inadequate and improvements are economically infeasible to support the needs of industrial uses;

e. Where the conversion of industrial lands to an alternative use will not create a fragmented pattern of development and reduce the integrity and viability of existing industrial areas;

f. Where the conversion of industrial lands to an alternative use will not result in an adverse impact on adjacent residential neighborhoods, commercial districts, or other land uses;

g. Where it can be demonstrated that the reduction of industrial lands will not adversely impact the City's ability to accommodate sufficient industrial uses to provide jobs for the City's residents or incur adverse fiscal impacts; and/or

h. Where existing industrial uses constitute a hazard to adjacent residential or natural areas.
(P1, P18)


Consider the potential redesignation of non-industrial properties located adjacent to lands designated and developed with industrial uses for industrial purposes by amending the community plans or by conditional use permits based on the following criteria:

a. The redesignation is required to accommodate the expansion of existing industrial uses to facilitate their retention in areas in which they are located;

b. There is substantial support of the property owners of the parcels to be redesignated;

c. There is no significant disruption or intrusion into existing residential neighborhoods, commercial districts, or other land uses;

d. There are no adverse environmental impacts (traffic, noise, lighting, air pollution, other) on adjacent land uses due to the industrial uses; and

e. There is adequate infrastructure to support the expanded industrial use(s).
(P1, P18)

3.14.8 Encourage the development in areas designated as "Industrial-Heavy" of critical public facilities that are necessary to support the needs of residents and businesses but normally are incompatible with residential neighborhoods and commercial districts, such as corporate yards. (P1, P18, P37)
3.14.9 Initiate programs for lot consolidation and implement improvements to assist in the retention/expansion of existing and attraction of new industrial uses, where feasible. (P36, P37)

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