Chapter 3 - Land Use


Neighborhood districts are intended focal points of surrounding residential neighborhoods and serve populations of 15,000 to 25,000 residents. They contain a diversity of uses that serve daily needs, such as restaurants, retail outlets, grocery stores, child care facilities, community meeting rooms, pharmacies, religious facilities and other similar uses. The clustering of uses minimizes automobile trips and encourages walking to and from adjacent residential neighborhoods. Pedestrian-oriented areas are encouraged, and the district may be served by a local shuttle service.

Physically, neighborhood districts are generally characterized by one- or two-story low-rise structures, particularly in suburban areas of the City. Pedestrian activity will be encouraged by the emphasis on local-serving uses, design of buildings, and incorporation of streetscape amenities. Generally, neighborhood districts are at FAR 1.5:1 or less, and characterized by one- and two-story building, as determined in the community plan.

"Traditional" shopping centers, containing a large supermarket anchor with ancillary stores and large open parking areas, also can be considered as neighborhood districts as they offer the opportunity to convert excess surface parking for the introduction of an expanded mix of neighborhood-oriented uses.

Neighborhood district: Larchmont Village Neighborhood district characteristics: articulated architecture, buildings on street, and pedestrian orientation

Pedestrian-oriented districts that provide local identity, commercial activity, and support Los Angeles' neighborhoods.

Objective 3.8

Reinforce existing and establish new neighborhood districts which accommodate a broad range of uses that serve the needs of adjacent residents, promote neighborhood activity, are compatible with adjacent neighborhoods, and are developed as desirable places to work and visit.


Uses and Density

Accommodate the development of neighborhood-serving uses in areas designated as "Neighborhood District" in accordance with Tables 3-1 and 3-4. The range and densities/intensities of uses permitted in any area shall be identified in the community plans. (P1, P18)

Table 3-4

Land Use Designation

Corresponding Zones

Neighborhood District

C1, C1.5, C4, [Q]C2

3.8.2 Encourage the retention of existing and development of new commercial uses that primarily are oriented to the residents of adjacent neighborhoods and promote the inclusion of community services (e.g., childcare and community meeting rooms). (P1, P18, P34)

Encourage the owners of existing commercial shopping centers that contain chain grocery and drug stores to include additional uses, such as restaurants, entertainment, childcare facilities, public meeting rooms, recreation, cultural facilities, and public open spaces, which enhance neighborhood activity. (P18, P35)

Shopping center incorporating retail shops with upper level housing and pedestrian-oriented amenities district Open air marketplace incorporated in neighborhood

Design and Development
3.8.4 Enhance pedestrian activity by the design and siting of structures in accordance Chapter 5 Urban Form and Neighborhood Design policies of this Element and Pedestrian-Oriented District Policies 3.16.1 through 3.16.3. (P1, P18, P24, P25)
3.8.5 Initiate a program of streetscape improvements, where appropriate. (P30, P31, P32)
3.8.6 Encourage out door areas within neighborhood districts to be lighted for night use, safety and comfort commensurate with their intended nighttime use. (P17, P24)

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