Chapter 3 - Land Use


It is the intent of the Framework Element to maintain existing stable multi-family residential neighborhoods. In those stable neighborhoods characterized by a mix of densities and dwelling types, permitted densities may be reduced to levels consistent with the character of the entire area in order to minimize impacts on infrastructure, services, and/or maintain or enhance the residents' quality of life. The loss of potential units in these locations can be offset by the provision of new housing opportunities in mixed-use districts, centers, and boulevards. The determination of the locations in which such modifications may occur would normally occur as amendments to the community plans or other initiatives as provided for by the Los Angeles Municipal Code. The Framework Element establishes guidelines to achieve higher quality multi-family dwellings, such as design character, amenity, and open space.

Multi-family neighborhoods that enhance the quality of life for the City's existing and future residents.

Objective 3.7

Provide for the stability and enhancement of multi-family residential neighborhoods and allow for growth in areas where there is sufficient public infrastructure and services and the residents' quality of life can be maintained or improved.

Existing multi-family residential neighborhood

Illustration of new multi-family dwelling units; with modulated and articulated facades and extensive landscape


Accommodate the development of multi-family residential units in areas designated in the community plans in accordance with Table 3-1 and Zoning Ordinance densities indicated in Table 3-3, with the density permitted for each parcel to be identified in the community plans. (P1, P18)

Table 3-3

Land Use Designation

Corresponding Zones

Density Per Net Acre

Low Medium I RD

RD 3, RD 4, RZ 2.5, RZ 3, RZ 4, RU

10 - 17

Low Medium II

RW 1, RD 1.5, RD 2

18 - 29



30 - 55

High Medium

R4, [Q]R4*

56 - 109


R5, [Q]R5

110 - 218


Consider decreasing the permitted densities, by amendments to the community plan, of areas designated for multi-family residential where there is a mix of existing unit types and density and/or built densities are below the maximum permitted. When determining whether to reduce these densities, consider the following criteria:

a. There is inadequate public infrastructure or services to provide for the needs of existing or future residents for which the cost of improvements would result in an undue burden on the community or are infeasible;

b. The quality of life of the area's residents has been adversely impacted by the density of development (crime, noise, pollution, etc.);

c. The neighborhood is physically and functionally stable;

Existing housing units are structurally sound or can be upgraded without undue costs;

d. There is a desire of the residents to preserve existing housing and neighborhood qualities; and/or

e. Adequate housing potential exists or can be provided in nearby areas, including those designated for mixed-use development, in order to offset the loss of any potential units due to the reduced densities. (P1)

3.7.3 Allow the reconstruction of existing multi-family dwelling units destroyed by fire, earthquakes, flooding, or other natural catastrophes to their pre-existing density in areas wherein the permitted multi-family density has been reduced below the pre-existing level. (P18)
 Design and Development

Improve the quality of new multi-family dwelling units based on the standards in Chapter 5 Urban Form and Neighborhood Design Chapter of this Element. (P1, P18, P24, P25)

New multi-family housing units; modulated building volumes, articulated facades, oriented to the street, and extensive landscape Historic multi-family housing units; modulated building volume, articulated facade, and orientation to the street

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