Hybrid Commission Meeting Instructions

Guide to Public Participation in Hybrid (In Person and Virtual) Commission Meetings

Thank you for your interest in participating in a hybrid commission meeting. A hybrid commission meeting offers members of the public the option to participate either in person or remotely during in-person Commission Meetings held at physical venues, which are attended by commissioners, City staff, and parties involved with the project cases. Members of the public will be able to listen to, view, or participate virtually in the meeting via an electronic device or phone.

All presentations and other materials related to agenda items will be uploaded to a Google Drive folder, accessible by a link provided immediately below the meeting date on Page 1 of the agenda. The Commission President will ask presenters to clearly describe which slide they are presenting, in order to assist those participating virtually to follow along with the presentation on their own device.

To Listen to or View the Meeting

If you wish to only listen to the meeting, but not participate during public comment, dial the City’s Council Phone meeting system, at (213) 621-2489 or (818) 904-9450.

You may also access the live meeting video by clicking on the Zoom link at the top of the meeting agenda and entering the Meeting ID.

Instructions for Virtual Public Comments via Zoom

Icon for Step Number 1Click on Link on Your Agenda

If you wish to offer public comment to the Commission during the meeting, click on the Zoom link listed on Page 1 of the agenda and follow the agenda's instructions to log in to the meeting using the Meeting ID and Passcode. You will be automatically muted when you enter the meeting.

Icon for Step Number 2"Raise Hand" to Comment

To comment on an agenda item, click on the "Raise Hand" button at the bottom of your screen after the Commission President calls the item. City Planning staff will call your name, if available, when it is your turn to speak. You will see the prompt: "The Host would like you to unmute." Please click on "Unmute." Each speaker's audio will be unmuted as they are called upon. Speakers are typically given 1-2 minutes to speak. At the end of the specified time limit for public comment, you will hear a verbal indicator and the Commission President will ask you to wrap up your remarks. Soon thereafter, your audio will again be muted and the President will move on to the next speaker. Please note that members of the public giving public comment will not be visible to anyone.

Instructions for Public Comments by Phone

Icon for Step Number 1Call Number on Your Agenda

If you wish to provide verbal public comment to the Commission during the meeting, call (213) 338-8477 or (669) 900-9128, and follow the agenda’s instructions to join the meeting. You will be automatically muted when you enter the meeting.

Icon for Step Number 2Press *9 to Comment

To comment on an agenda item, press *9 to “raise your hand” virtually following the Commission President calling the item. After any related presentations and in-person public comment, the Commission President will ask remote members of the public to indicate if they want to speak on the item. Planning staff will call upon speakers using the last four digits of the phone number, if available. Each speaker’s audio will be unmuted as they are called upon. Speakers typically are given 1-2 minutes to speak and at the end of the specified time limit for public comment, you will hear a verbal indicator and the Commission President will ask you to wrap up your remarks. Soon thereafter, your audio will again be muted and the President will move on to the next speaker.

Requirement for Submission of Materials

Written materials may be submitted prior to, or at, the meeting in accordance with the submittal requirements below. The case number must be written on all communications, plans, and exhibits.

Written materials not limited as to volume must be received by the Commission Executive Assistant no later than by end of business day Monday of the week prior to the week of the Commission meeting. Materials are to be delivered electronically to the Commission email identified on the agenda.

All written materials in response to an Appeal Recommendation Report and/or additional comments must be submitted no later than 48 hours before to the Commission meeting (for Central, South LA and Harbor APCs, materials must be received no later than by 3:00 p.m., Thursday of the week prior to the Commission Meeting). Submissions, including exhibits, shall not exceed ten (10) pages and must be submitted electronically to the Commission email identified on the agenda.

Submissions less than 48 hours prior to, and including the day of the Commission meeting, must not exceed two (2) written pages, including exhibits. Photographs do not count toward the page limitation. These are to be submitted electronically to the Commission email identified on the agenda and hard copies must be submitted at the in-person meeting.

Submissions that do not comply with these rules will be stamped “File Copy. Non-complying Submission”. Non-complying submissions will be placed into the official case file, but they will not be delivered to, or considered by the Commission. The Commission Rules and Operating Procedures are available online at planning.lacity.gov by selecting “Commissions & Hearings” and selecting the specific Commission.